We are proud to endorse Vince Jones-Dixon for Multnomah County District #4. We first supported Vince for his unanimous appointment to the Gresham City Council in 2020, making him the first Black city councilor elected in at least three decades. Since then, he has championed reforms focused on addressing the root causes of community violence, prioritizing public safety, and improving services for the most vulnerable, particularly housing and homelessness.

Raised in Multnomah County, Vince has been an active member of the Gresham community for years through his involvement with the Gresham Charter Review Committee, Beyond Black, and Rockwood Rising. The tragic loss of his brother to gun violence spurred Vince towards public service, dedicating his career to tackling issues like community violence and mental health.
Help us elect Vince Jones-Dixon for Multnomah County District #4 as he continues to bring solutions to our biggest challenges: gun violence, housing affordability, mental health, and addiction. If elected, he would be the first Black man elected county commissioner. Learn more about Vince and how you can get involved in his campaign at vincejonesdixon.com.