This May, we have the opportunity to directly impact our communities, from street conditions to the safety of our neighborhoods and the quality of education for our children. We urge you to vote “YES” on the following ballot measures:
Yes for Portland Fix Our Street Measure 26-245. Portlanders can continue investing in better, safer streets by renewing our 10-cent local gas tax, which funds street repair, maintenance, and safety projects across our neighborhoods for four more years. This is the same tax rate as Portlanders approved in 2016 and 2020. Failure to renew this tax will result in the loss of funding for infrastructure, maintenance, and safety projects.
Yes for Portland Teacher’s Levy Measure 26-246. Support our public schools by renewing the 2024 Portland Teacher’s Levy. For the past 20 years, this measure has funded an average of 655 teaching positions annually in Portland Public Schools. Renewing this helps maintain the quality of education for our children without any increase in taxes.
Yes for Gresham Safety Levy Measure 26-247. Gresham has too few firefighters and police officers to meet the number of emergencies or crises. As our city has grown, so has the demand for emergency services. Voting YES to a reduced levy rate of $1.35 means our first responders can have the resources they need to continue providing lifesaving services to our residents.
Yes for Oregon Zoo Bond Measure 26-244. The Oregon Zoo is essential for conservation, education, and animal welfare. This measure aims to renew previous investments in the zoo without raising taxes. Your support will contribute to priority projects that benefit conservation efforts and animal welfare.
Public policy decisions have long-term impacts on our community, particularly those with less opportunity. By supporting these measures, we’re investing in a better future for our children, protecting our families and building power for our communities.
Join us in voting Yes for Portland Fix Our Street Measure 26-245, Yes for Portland Teacher’s Levy Measure 26-207, Yes for Gresham Safety Levy Measure 26-247 and Yes for Oregon Zoo Bond Measure 26-244.
Thank you for your commitment to our community’s welfare.