There are only four days until ballots are due. Your vote is your voice, and make it count by casting your ballot by Tuesday, May 21, by 8 PM. Vote today by mailing back your ballot or dropping it off at an official drop box. Find your nearest drop box location here.
If you haven’t seen it yet, check out our voter guides for Greater Gresham, NE-SE Portland & East Portland. These guides highlight the candidates and ballot measures we support—those who stand for our shared vision of reducing neighborhood violence, expanding access to mental health care, and centering racial and gender equality in public policy. In this critical time, we urge you to support these qualified progressive leaders and share these guides with your friends, family, and neighbors.
Don’t miss out on our last major canvassing event with Mike Schmidt and Shannon Singleton on May 18th, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM at Luuwit Park. Let’s mobilize our community to vote. Reply to this email to join us or RSVP here for May 18th. If you’re interested in more volunteering opportunities to support our endorsed candidates, please sign up here.
Together, we are over 3,000 strong, united by shared values and visions, capable of ensuring a turnout that reflects the best of Multnomah County.